Arguments for the MultiVectorRetriever class.

interface MultiVectorRetrieverInput {
    vectorstore: VectorStoreInterface;
    byteStore?: BaseStore<string, Uint8Array>;
    childK?: number;
    docstore?: BaseStoreInterface<string, Document<Record<string, any>>>;
    idKey?: string;
    parentK?: number;


  • BaseRetrieverInput
    • MultiVectorRetrieverInput


vectorstore: VectorStoreInterface
byteStore?: BaseStore<string, Uint8Array>
childK?: number
docstore?: BaseStoreInterface<string, Document<Record<string, any>>>

⚠️ Deprecated ⚠️

Prefer byteStore.

This feature is deprecated and will be removed in the future.

It is not recommended for use.

idKey?: string
parentK?: number

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